Sunday, 20 May 2012

Love is always in the air

First visit

I still remember, masa mula2 dpt tahu the big possibilities that  i'm a cancer patient..i searched the info in internet
what is lymphoma?
how true lymphoma is a cancer? the moment i knew it was a cancer, so many things playing in my mind..
am i gonna die??
any survivor out there?
what they do? i don't want to do chemo..
what will happen to my husband?
is he gonna leave me behind?
what about our dreams together?
memang menangis air mata darah pn takkan change the situation..

and I started crying again ..and why just after I  healed from my lost :(

masa tu tak boleh nak fikir ape2. i'm lost in my own world. helpless. speechless. bisu terus..

Luckily Siti Zahrah Abdul Jalil (My dear sis, Biby) was in town. She live in Kuching Sarawak. She came to pay me a visit at hospital. She came with a great smile with the red daisy. She always give me support inside out. Her words her big hug always always always makes me relieved. At least batu yg terhempap dari gunung tu dah beralih skit..Not everyone can simply do that. She was the one calling begits to come and visit me. She said i need support. At least moral support.

Why?? Why she did that..? I don't want any sympathy from anyone..And why I need to tell people that I am sick? I am not sick.. Not yet..Doc just give the pre-diagnosis.

Biby managed to get Liza, Najib, prince Naqib, Ijat, Fara, Zura & Malin. That time they only know that I was hospitalized because of jaundice. Dewi, Tiqah, Ros also came over. Yes thanks to Siti Zahrah Abdul Jalil. That's what friends are for. Cheer me up and just to be there by my side.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

101 impian

As salam and good morning sunshine!

Today i had my morning walk with my hubby terchenta ! Seriously.. walaupun it was just walk, it was big for me. Dah setahun tak berjalan-jalan dalam kawasan Desa Moccis. Betapa indahye.. I can get the fresh air. Mase sakit hospital dulu asyik aircond je, rasa mcm duduk dalm penjara. No sunshine no fresh air..Now have my kudrat back utk berdiri dan berjalan balik macan biasa.
Ya Rabb, Alhamdulillah..Aku bersyukur di atas segalanya..Doakan sy sentiasa kuat untuk hadapi cabaran seterusnya :)

Friday, 18 May 2012

i am cancer patient (?!)

As salam everyone.

After so long i was inspired to write again. Thanks to Dr. Azizan Osman and one of his program, IMKK. I really really think I have to, I must share my experienced with all of you out there. Zillions zillions thanks to my hubby. He was the one who officially sent me to this IMKK rock show. What I had learned in IMMK was the Power of LOVE. My mission now is spreading my love  as much love as i can give. The more you give the more you get. Please share this with your loves one okey and Happy Reading :)

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In 2009 i get married to a very charming King, Khairul Anuar b. Abdul Aziz. Happily married. End of 2009, saya keguguran with Blighted Ovum. Orang Melayu sebut Bunting Anggur. Itu pun pertama kali saya dgr perkataan tu..Then, in December 2010 dugaan yg kedua terbesar dlm hidup saya was my baby meninggal dlm perut. Dah cukup bulan dah due pun.  Bersalin normal kt Hospital Sg Buloh. Dalam mac 2011 after lepas pantang, saya masuk keje balik macam biasa. Tak sampai 2 minggu keje, saya di sahkan kene demam kuning. (why i got jaundice? bukan baby je ke kene jaundice ?!).

That time, suami outstation kat ipoh pulak. so i pergi check up kt kpj damansara, Walk in to any available specialist. Dr. Yati the radiologist said  my gall duct ade lymp nodes. Pancreas pun ada lymph nodes.. Gluurpp..ok. now what? Ade gall stone ke? (So so many things in my head masa tu). Doc suruh admit keesokannye to proceed untuk pasang stent kat gall duct, since laluan gall duct tersumbat, what ever toksin (billirubin) yg sepatutnya keluar dari liver tak boleh keluar and that MAKES me jaundice.The stent tu untuk jadi alternative way to get rid off all the toxic in my body. what should i dooo? Saya decide utk blk rumah dulu tggu encik suami blk dr Ipoh. Malam tu, bile encik suami balik, we decided go to UMMC malam tu jugak sebab pakcik sedara doctor kat sane, so at least  he can find out cepat skit ape yg jadi pada saya..
No wonder. I felt weird, super weird.

On that particular week, symptom yg saya hadapi adalah:
1) Cepat sgt penat, balik keje tido. Esok pg bgn pn penat and ngantuk lagi
2) Buang air besar tak normal (Sorry to say this. the color mcm tak de color. PALE..yes it was true)
3) Buang air kecil macam color darah pn ade. sgt kotor
4) Demam sikit
5) Badan dah start kuning
6) Mata dah kuning OBVIOUSLY kuning
7) Berpeluh malam masa tidur

Kat UMMC, sy di masukkan ke wad surgeri 7U. Doktor kat sane buat macam2 test. CT Scan, X-Ray, Lab Test la.. Ding dong ding dong, selepas 1 minggu baru doktor decide saya kene tebuk somewhere kat area abdomen. pasang tiub utk keluar toksin2 dlm badan. Tu pun after saya da demam teruk..Baru buat satu prosedur kecik, i am helpless. 3 hari tak bermaya, makan tak mau, macam da takde energy langsung. After recovered, doctor nak buat ERCP melalui mulut. ERCP ni ialah masukkan tiub kt dalam saluran badan and detection using fluorescent method. For more please click here ( Nasib baik ade ubat bius, so tak sedar ape. Tujuan ERCP masa tu, nak ambil sample kt gall duct. It was failure sebab tak dapat ambil sample yg baik kat kawasan gall duct tu. Saya dibagitahu plak mase CT scan, ade lymph nodes kt pancreas pulak. So another ERCP untuk ambil sample kt pancreas. Ok. Done! Doctor kata sample yg di ambil was a very good sample. So kene tggu report bulan 4 nnt. Lepas buat ERCP saya memang susah nak bernafas macam biase. Siap kene pakai tank Oksigen.. Nak bangun lagi tak boleh. Ke toilet pun berpimpin. Solat pn baring je..Ya Allah, betapa indahnye nikmat bernafas yg selama ni bagi free2 kat aku sebagai manusia. Tapi kenapa mcm sibuk sgt takde masa nk bersyukur untuk semua tu sebelum ni :(
Berterima kasihlah selalu padaNya. Dalam keadaan semacam ni la baru sy sedar yg saya selama ni tak byk bersyukur. The Power of GRATEFUL.  Rase macam tak cukup je kalau saya nk bertahmid (Alhamdulillah) sampai bile2 utk nikmat yg dipinjamkanNya pada saya.

Sedar tak sedar dan nak sebulan menginap kt hospital . Saya memang fobia and benci dgn hospital. Dari kecik lagi memang tak suke bau hospital. Suami plak tak pergi keje jaga saya kt hospital. Tido duduk atas kerusi sebelah katil saya tiap2 mlm sejak sakit. Mandi pn kt hospital. Nasib baik bos suami sgt2 memahami. I cant imagine kalau die takde mase tu..Bersyukur sangat ade suami yg masih di sisi untuk mengharungi dugaan ni. Ya Allah, terima kasih di atas kasih sayang Mu melalui suami ku. Teringat lagi masa2 sukar suami kene pimpin saya tiap kali nk ke bilik air dan nak mandi. Hello??? I'm 27 years old, tak tua pn lagi..tapi suami saya dah terpakse susah payah menjaga isteri nye yg sakit. Makan bersuap segala..My heart really really scratched, kemek koyak semua ade..Khairul Anuar Abdul Aziz! I love you so much!! Saya akan hargai awak dunia akhirat.

Diagnosis awal mmg mengatakan saya ada Lymphoma. Ape tu (?!) Doktor kate lymphoma is a CANCER. What? What again? Rase mcm kene hempap dengan batu sebesar gunung je. Tak boleh nak bernafas...